Contemporary Jewish Issues

Stand-alone lectures that present a thorough analysis of some of the halachic, hashkafic and ethical issues that Jews face in the modern world.
Click here for a selection of lectures on specific Women’s Issues, here for Medical Ethics issues, here for a series of 3 shiurim relating to animals, and here for Israel-related issues.
  1. Overview – What is a Contemporary Jewish Issue?
  2. Eclipses
  3. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Halacha Part 3 – Pants and Trousers for Women
  4. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Halacha Part 2 – Beged Ish
  5. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Halacha Part 1 – Foundations
  6. Entering Churches and Mosques – 2023 – Part 2
  7. Entering Churches and Mosques – 2023 – Part 1
  8. Hashgacha Pratit – Divine Providence: Part 1
  9. Astrology and the Occult – Part 2 (2023)
  10. Astrology and the Occult – Part 1 (2023)
  11. Multiple Truths in Halacha and Hashkafa – Part 2 (2023)
  12. Multiple Truths in Halacha and Hashkafa – Part 1 (2023)
  13. Torah and The Age of The Universe Part 2 (2022)
  14. Torah, The Age of The Universe and Non-Literal Readings of Bereishit (2022)
  15. Ha’aramah – Loopholes in Halacha – Part 2
  16. Ha’aramah – Loopholes in Halacha – Part 1
  17. Prozbul
  18. Shemitat Kesafim
  19. Judaism and Music – Part 4: Davening and Zemirot to Non-Jewish Tunes
  20. Judaism and Music – Part 3: Jewish Music
  21. Judaism and Music – Part 2: Non-Jewish Music
  22. Judaism and Music – Part 1: Music and Churban
  23. Zecher Lemikdash and Zecher Lechurban
  24. Selling a Synagogue
  25. Calendar Conundrums – Part 4: The Parasha Split
  26. Calendar Conundrums – Part 3: Tal U’Matar on Dec 4
  27. Calendar Conundrums – Part 2: Using the Secular Calendar
  28. Calendar Conundrums – Part 1: Foundations
  29. Art, Aesthetics and Idolatry (2022) – Part 1
  30. Art, Aesthetics and Idolatry (2022) – Part 2
  31. Art, Aesthetics and Idolatry (2022) – Part 3
  32. Mixed Seating at Weddings (2022)
  33. Dancing and Clapping on Shabbat and Yom Tov
  34. Showering on Yom Tov
  35. Conversion – Part 3 – Mila, Tevila, Korban & Mitzvot
  36. Conversion – Part 2 – Jews & Non-Jews
  37. Conversion – Part 1 – Hashkafic Foundations
  38. Saving Klal Yisrael and the Honey Trap
  39. Halacha and Kabbala – Part 2
  40. Halacha and Kabbala – Part 1
  41. Chadash & Chutz LeAretz
  42. Emuna and Belief – Part 2
  43. Emuna and Belief – Part 1
  44. The Wording of Bircot HaMitzva
  45. Chocolate Raisins & Berachot
  46. The Beracha on the COVID Vaccine
  47. Burial, Dissection and Autopsy – Part 2
  48. Burial, Dissection and Autopsy – Part 1
  49. Pilegesh – Part 2
  50. Pilegesh – Part 1
  51. Brit Avot and Brit Sinai – Living as An Avot Jew
  52. Did The Avot Keep the Torah?
  53. Non-Jews and Mitzvot – Part 2 – Lifnei Iver
  54. Non-Jews and Mitzvot – Part 1 – Noahides
  55. Torah and Evolution – Part 2
  56. Torah and Evolution – Part 1
  57. Torah From Heaven
  58. The Last 8 Verses in the Torah
  59. Conjoined Twins
  60. Multifetal Reducations
  61. Halachic Wills – Part 2
  62. Halachic Wills – Part 1
  63. Oral Torah – Is the Halacha From Sinai Why Should I Keep It?
  64. Written Torah – How Was the Chumash Written and Why Is That Important Today?
  65. Porch and Street Minyanim Part 2 and Zoom Kaddish
  66. Porch and Street Minyanim – Part 1
  67. Halacha and the Internet – Part 2 – Copyright and VPNs
  68. Halacha and the Internet – Part 1 – Downloading Music and Theft
  69. Halacha in Extreme Places – Part 3 – Space
  70. Halacha in Extreme Places – Part 2 – Polar Regions
  71. Halacha in Extreme Places – Part 1 – The International Date Line (2019)
  72. Brit Milah – Part 3 – The Controversy over Metzitza
  73. Brit Milah – Part 2 – Brit on Shabbat – Unusual Cases
  74. Brit Milah – Part 1 – Use of Anesthetics
  75. Torah and Chochma (2019 series) – Part 3
  76. Torah and Chochma (2019 series) – Part 2
  77. Torah and Chochma (2019 series) – Part 1
  78. Literal and Non-Literal Readings of Tanach – Part 2
  79. Literal and Non-Literal Readings of Tanach – Part 1
  80. Torah and the Age of the Universe
  81. Having a Secular Name
  82. Pesukim Engraved on Jewelry
  83. Yizkor
  84. The Implications of the Majority of Jews Living in Israel
  85. Dealing With Difficult Hashkafic Issues
  86. The Reestablishment of the Sanhedrin – Part 1
  87. The Reestablishment of the Sanhedrin – Part 2
  88. Tevilat Kelim and Modern Technology – Part 1 – Modern Materials
  89. Tevilat Kelim and Modern Technology – Part 2 – Disposables
  90. Tevilat Kelim and Modern Technology – Part 3 – Electrical Equipment
  91. Ayin Hara – Part 1
  92. Ayin Hara – Part 2
  93. Vaccination in Halacha and Hashkafa – Part 1
  94. Vaccination in Halacha and Hashkafa – Part 2
  95. Torah and the Age of the Universe
  96. Handwashing and Ruach Ra’ah
  97. Destroying Amalek
  98. Vegetarian Cheese
  99. Shabbat and Medication
  100. Shabbat and Umbrellas
  101. Gel Caps and Gelatin
  102. Wine and Non-Observant Jews
  103. Leap Year Issues
  104. The Missing 168 Years (2019 Version) – Part 1
  105. The Missing 168 Years (2019 Version) – Part 2
  106. Trees, Grafting and Interspecies
  107. Egalitarian Weddings
  108. Learning Halacha From Midrash
  109. Is There A Psak In Hashkafa?
  110. What is Hashkafa and Where Does It Come From?
  111. Ktav Ivri and Ktav Ashuri
  112. Kever Rachel
  113. Archeology – Part 2
  114. Archeology – Part 1 Overview
  115. Davening At Kivrei Avot
  116. Davening Through Melachim
  117. Segulot
  118. The Case of the Poisoned Sandwich
  119. The Accidental Heretic
  120. Contemporary Yichud Issues
  121. Mechitza – Part 1
  122. Mechitza – Part 2
  123. Shaving – Part 1
  124. Shaving – Part 2
  125. The Early Shabbat
  126. The Late Shabbat
  127. The 10 Commandments
  128. Driverless Cars Driverless Cars
  129. Climate Change & Environmentalism Solstice Surprises
  130. Solstice Surprises: Christmas, 9th Tevet and Nittel Nacht Solstice Surprises
  131. Thanksgiving & Chukat HaGoy Thanksgiving and Chukat HaGoy
  132. Bat Mitzvah
  133. Women Rabbis
  134. Copyright Infringement
  135. Art, Beauty & Idolatry
  136. Entering Churches & Mosques – Part 1
  137. Entering Churches & Mosques – Part 2
  138. Religious Perspectives on Non-Observant Jews
  139. The International Date Line (revised 2016)
  140. Mezonot Bread
  141. Science & Chazal – Part 1 (Updated 2018) Science & Chazal – Part 2 (Updated 2018)
  142. Rainbows in Jewish Thought
  143. Torah and Secular Studies
    a) Torah and Derech Eretz
    b) Torah and Secular Studies
  144. Tattoos & Body Piercing
  145. Gambling – The Jewish View
  146. Torah & The Age of The Universe
  147. Women & Talmud Torah
  148. What Do the Poskim Say About Poskot?
    (Click here for more Women’s Issues)
  149. What is Hashkafa?
  150. Democracy in Halacha and Hashkafa?
  151. Life After Life: Olam Haba, Mashiach and Resurrection
    – see Other Topics for more on this issue
  152. Astrology, Superstition and the Occult
  153. Disgraced Rabbis – 2 Shiurim:
    Part 1: Part 2:
  154. Lifnei Iver Issues – 2 Shiurim:
    Part 1: Part 2:
  155. Transgender and Gender Reassignment (2018 Updated Version)
  156. War & Self Defence Against Terrorists (2015)
    – longer version and shorter version
  157. Challenging Jewish Issues on Campus
  158. Wearing Techelet – 2 Shiurim
    Part 1: Part 2:
  159. Cohanim in Hospitals and as Doctors
  160. Cohanim and Airplanes – 2 Shiurim
    Part 1: Part 2:
  161. Tuma & Tahara – Washing on Dipped Foods
  162. Music and Sefira – 2 Shiurim
    Part 1: Part 2:
  163. Kol Isha – Contemporary Perspectives
  164. Shabbat and Electricity – General Principles
  165. Shabbat and Electricity – Microphones and Shabbat
  166. Shabbat and Electricity – Electronic Mitzvot, Hearing Aids and Shabbat
  167. Hand Shaking and Seat Switching
  168. Mixed Seating At Weddings
Want more? Click here for Rabbi Manning’s shiurim on various other contemporary topics, including Mashiach, Shmitta, Yerushalayim, Tefilla, Ahavat Hashem, Mesorah, Chumash, Torah and Science, and Torah and Art.