Jewish Philosophy
Online Courses on Jewish Thought
Rabbi Anthony Manning is fascinated by many different aspects of Jewish thought and Jewish thinkers. Here are recordings of the Hashkafa shiurim that Rabbi Anthony Manning has given over the years on some of these topics.
The Historical Development of Torah
A Jewish history course of 40 lectures featuring the lives and works of the main commentators who have shaped the development of Torah thought.
The Rambam’s 13 Ikarim – Overview
A crash course comprising 8 introductory lectures introducing some of the key themes of Judaism as set out by the Rambam (Maimonides) in his 13 Principles of Faith.
Lives of the Commentators
Mashiach & The World To Come
Two series of shiurim by Rabbi Anthony Manning on the fascinating subject of Mashiach – the Jewish Messiah – and different understandings of the World to Come.
A series of 6 lectures exploring the life and times of Rav Kook and his continuing relevance to Jewish thought today. This course was delivered at Midreshet Rachel VeChaya in Summer 2021.
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