Recommended Reading List


1. This suggested reading list has evolved in response to the demand from young women and men leaving Seminary and Yeshiva for a guide to how to continue their Jewish reading and learning once they leave the ‘bubble’ of Yeshiva/Seminary life.

2. There are thousands of wonderful sefarim on the market and my list is not intended to be comprehensive or definitive. It also unavoidably reflects my own particular tastes. Many of these are books that have had a significant impact on me, and that I feel could be helpful for a broad range of students. The list is aimed at an intelligent (although not necessarily ‘academic’ ) student who is interested in seeing a range of perspectives and approaches. Inevitably, given the broad range of halachic and hashkafic approaches within the contemporary orthodox world, not every book will appeal to every reader. Some will be too ‘academic’ for some people and some will be too ‘frummy’ for others. Individuals can, and should, seek the advice of their own religious mentors as to what material will best suit them personally. I also recommend that you do your own on-line research about the authors I have listed. Many of them have articles and audio shiurim online so you can get your own feel for their style and substance.

3. This list is not short but don’t be overwhelmed – you don’t have to read them all! I have divided the list into 30 categories. Look into the areas you’re most interested in and try some out.

4. This list is limited to books, rather than digital and on-line resources. For those students who prefer to look on-line before opening a sefer, there is a detailed list of on-line sites and resources here.

5. I have purposely limited my recommendations to secondary sources, mostly in English.  I have also included a few Hebrew sefarim which should be accessible (at least to some degree) by many Yeshiva/Seminary leavers. Students should always look to the primary sources – Tanach, Gemara, Midrash, Rishonim, Acharonim and their respective commentaries – where they are able. I have not included these classics (such as the Sefer HaChinuch, the Kuzari etc) in my list but HUNDREDS of these primary sources are now available in English translation and I strongly advise that you read them.

6. Most of the books on this list are available from Jewish book stores or from online stores – both Jewish (eg. Maggid/Koren, Mosaica, Artscroll etc.) and Amazon. If you click the link on the title it will take you to and I will receive a small commission 😉

7. Recommended bookstores – in Jerusalem, Manny’s Book Store in Mea Shearim has a wide range of English titles, but for a broader and more eclectic range which crosses many hashkafic boundaries try Pomeranz Bookseller near Ben Yehuda.  Don’t forget the numerous second-hand book shops in Yerushalayim which often carry kodesh books too (and occasionally real gems!).  A great bookstore in Teaneck is The Judaica House. Good annual book sales are the YU Seforim Sale at Yeshiva University in February, the Mosad HaRav Kook & Mercaz HaRav book sale in Kiryat Moshe in Nisan (mostly Hebrew sefarim), and the sales at the Yemei Iyun BaTanach at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shevut at the beginning of Av.

8. I have chosen only a few books under each heading. There are many more. If there is an area or issue that specifically interests you, please feel free to be in touch with me and I will try to make other suggestions. Most of the books on this list are available from good Jewish book stores or from online stores – both Jewish (eg. Artscroll, Feldheim, Koren etc.) and Amazon.

9. If you have comments, thoughts and ideas of books that you think I should read and/or should be added to the list, please email me!

10. In this list, I have included live links to where possible. If you click the link on the title it will hopefully take you to the correct page on and I will receive a small commission if you buy it. My comments on the books and links to helpful reviews are shown in italics.  Enjoy!!!


  • The Living TorahR’ Aryeh Kaplan
    An interesting English translation of the Chumash, with helpful historical and contextual notes, maps and charts.
  • Rav S. R. Hirsch on Chumash
    Available in an older and also a more recently published English translation.  Read it slowly and carefully to build a picture of Rav Hirsch’s worldview.
  • Frameworks – R’ Mattis Weinberg
    A very out-of-the-box thinker drawing unconventional conclusions from a massive range of sources.  Like nothing you’ve seen before!
  • Between the Lines of the Bible (2 Volumes) – R’ Yitzchak Etshalom
    One of the few English speaking representatives of the ‘Gush’ school of Parshanut.  See also R’ Menachem Leibtag’s website –
  • The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture – Yoram Hazony
    Hazony is a leading voice in the growing school of Torah observant and top academic thinkers in Israel. This mind-opening work on the seismic shift in philosophical thinking introduced by the Chumash will change the way you relate to the text. A book that not only educates and inspires, but also makes you proud to be Jewish!
  • Redeeming Relevance – R’ Francis Nataf
    A fresh look with at most of the key themes in Chumash.  R’ Nataf is an original thinker with passion and vision and is able to re-frame the Chumash in a though-provoking way.
  • What’s Bothering Rashi – R’ Avigdor Bonchek

  • Patterns in Rashi – R’ Yisrael Herczeg

  • Pshuto Shel Mikra – R’ Yehuda Cooperman, trans. R’ Immanuel Bernstein
    R. Bernstein has arranged and translated R. Yehuda Cooperman’s monumental work on Chumash.  For anyone able to access the original Hebrew of R. Cooperman, that is certainly recommended. For a book review see R. Bernstein was a close talmid and a cousin of R. Cooperman, and his many sefarim – both his “Dimensions” series on Chumash and also his many books on the Chagim – are highly recommended.

  • Places in the Parasha – R’ Yoel Elitzur
    An English translation of Rav Elitzur’s fascinating sefer explaining how understanding of the geography of Eretz Yisrael gives a deeper appreciation of pshat. For a review see

  • Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah: Canonization and Resistance in the Reception of a Jewish Classic – Eric Lawee
    See review at 


Many of the exciting new ideas in Tanach are emerging from the ‘New School’ of Tanach study based in Yeshivat Har Etzion (‘The Gush’) and its sister college, Michlelet Herzog.  Much of this material is now emerging in English, for example from R’ Menachem Leibtag, writers such as Dr. Yael Ziegler, and in the Maggid publications.

  • The Queen You Thought You Knew (on the Book of Esther) – R’ Dovid Fohrman
  • The Beast that Crouches at the Door (on the Book of Genesis) – R’ Dovid Fohrman
    One of the few Rabbanim outside Israel producing really exciting and novel work on Tanach.
  • Peshat Isn’t So Simple – R’ Hayyim Angel
  • Tanakh – An Owner’s Manual – R’ Moshe Sokolow
    An important read!  Short guide to the important background issues that a person should be aware of – historical, textual and interpretive – when learning Tanach.
  • Psalms That Speak to You – R’ Yitzchak Bell
  • Maggid Studies in Tanach
  • Maggid Tanach Companions
    These series of books have opened a new window in English language Tanach commentary.  Pulling significantly from the Tanach school of the Gush, these series are, in my view, important reading for the student who wants to understand the bridge between the beit midrash and academic bible study, especially in those areas where the academic scholarship can actually deepen religious understanding and commitment. 
  • Koren Tanakh Of The Land of Israel
    As of 2024, volumes on Shemot, Vaykira and Shmuel have been released.


  • The Sabbath – Dayan Dr. Isidore Grunfeld
  • Sabbath: Day of Eternity – R’ Aryeh Kaplan
    Read EVERYTHING you can by R’ Aryeh Kaplan. You can pick up many of his works together in The Aryeh Kaplan Anthology.
  • The Sabbath – R’ Abraham J. Heschel
    A controversial figure who was closely associated with the Conservative movement and JTS for much of his life.  Some of R’ Heschel’s views on other issues are outside the ‘comfort zone’ of most Orthodox thinkers today, but this specific sefer on the meaning of Shabbat is a classic and a must-read.
  • Shabbat – A Day To Create Yourself – R’ Warren Goldstein





    8. HALACHA

    Hundreds of halacha sefarim are published every year and it is now possible to find something in English on almost everything.   I have listed only a few areas of halacha and a few of the sefarim in those areas – see Kohelet 12:12!

    8.1 General 
    Peninei Halakha – Rav Eliezer Melamed
    An important senior posek in the Religious Zionist world in Israel. Some of his rulings have proved controversial in some communities. Many of his halacha works are available online in English translation at

    8.2 Hilchot Shabbat

    • The 39 Melochos – R’ Dovid Ribiat
      Very comprehensive. Try to read at least some of the detailed Hebrew footnotes.
    • The Laws of Shabbos (7 vols) – R’ Simcha Bunim Cohen
    • The Halachos of Shabbos – R’ Shimon Eider
      Unfortunately only on a few of the melachot up to Bishul.
    • The Halachos of Muktza – R’ Yisrael Pinchas Bodner
    • The Halachos of Refuah – R’ Yisrael Pinchas Bodner
    • Shmirat Shabbat K’Hilchata – R’ Yehoshua Neuwirth
      Now in third edition in Hebrew.  There is an English translation of the second edition, but the Hebrew (with footnotes) is far better – worth struggling through!
    • Shabbat and The Modern Kitchen – R’ Levi Halperin
      An old book (1986) in terms of technology but an excellent presentation of some of the principles of hilchot Shabbat.  See also the parallel volume “Kashrut and the Modern Kitchen”.

    • Shabbat – R’ Yosef Zvi Rimon
      Some of Rav Rimon’s 4 volumes on Hilchot Shabbat have been translated into English. They are filled with his trademark charts and diagrams, which makes them very user friendly.

    8.3 Hilchot Chagim

    8.4 Hilchot Berachot

    8.5 Monetary Halacha

    8.6 Hilchot Bein Adam Lechavero

    8.7 Hilchot Tefilla

    8.8 Hilchot Kashrut

    8.9 Hilchot Shemitta

    • Shemitta – R’ Yosef Zvi Rimon
      A masterful and comprehensive guide by one of the leading poskim in the Religious Zionist world.

    8.10 Hilchot Aveilut

    8.11  Hilchot Niddah

    8.10 Other

    • From Sinai to Ethiopia – R’ Sharon Shalom
      A detailed comparison of the traditional practices of the Ethopian community with the normative halachic system.


    • The Nineteen Letters – R’ Shimshon Refael Hirsch
    • Chorev – R’ Shimshon Refael Hirsch
      A MUST!!!  Not the easiest of quick-reads but so worth tackling. Perhaps look at “The Nineteen Letters” first and then graduate to Chorev.
    • Introduction to Horeb – R’ I.Grunfield
      Effectively a book in itself.  Often printed in the front of English editions of Chorev.
    • Handbook of Jewish Thought (2 volumes) – R’ Aryeh Kaplan
    • The Aryeh Kaplan Anthology (2 volumes) – R’ Aryeh Kaplan
    • Living Inspired  – R’ Akiva Tatz
    • Worldmask – R’ Akiva Tatz
    • Letters to a Buddhist Jew – R’ Akiva Tatz
    • Will, Freedom and Destiny – R’ Akiva Tatz 
    • Permission to BelievePermission to Receive – R’ Lawrence Keleman
      Two short books setting out a basic outline of some of the classic philosophical and traditional proofs for the existence of God and the Authenticity of the Torah. There is MUCH more to say and R’ Keleman’s books are fairly simplified.  Read them as a starting primer and then research the individual topics in more depth. 
    • Essential Essays on Judaism – R’ Eliezer Berkovits
    • The Eye of the Storm – R’ Aharon Feldman
      A collection of thought-through essays outlining the Charedi hashkafic position on many contemporary issues.  Quite fiery in places!
    • Judaism Reclaimed – R’ Shmuel Phillips
      Highly recommended – an excellent read. A very intelligent presentation of hashkafic positions on rationalism, mysticism and much more.  Presented from an broad and open-minded Charedi perspective. See review at
    • Talmud Reclaimed – R’ Shmuel Phillips
    • Hashgachah Pratis – R’ Aryeh Leibowitz
      A good analysis of some of the key questions surrounding Divine Providence.
    • The Paths of Providence: Does G-d Control Everything? – Chaim Gross
      An excellent and comprehensive work on all of the key issues surrounding Divine Providence – very readable.
    • Rupture and Reconstruction –  R’ Haym Soloveitchik
      Really a long article and available free online.  An important insight into how 20C Orthodox Judaism emerged.
    • The Choice to Be – R’ Jeremy Kagan
      An excellent contemporary presentation of classic hashkafic themes from the Maharal and other mystical sources on the issue of free choice.  Much of this hashkafa is the backbone of modern Jewish teaching on these issues.
    • Torah U’Madda – R’ Norman Lamm
      An analysis of the fundamental defining doctrines of Modern Orthodoxy and the synthesis between Kodesh and Chol.  A critical read for someone trying to work out what the Modern Orthodox world stands for.
    • Faith and Doubt – R’ Norman Lamm
    • Maimonides Confrontation with Mysticism – Menachem Kellner
      Kellner deals with around 10 key hashkafic issues, showing how the Rambam’s perspective differed from that of the proto-kabbalists of the day.  Highly recommended. Kellner was until recently an academic in Haifa University with a specialism in the Rambam. He combines a fairly traditional personal approach (coming from an observant background) with a sharp academic analysis and a very readable writing style.  He has many other books too, most of which I would recommend.
    • Science in the Beit Midrash – Menachem Kellner On the Rambam’s philosophy and hashkafa.
    • Torah in the Observatory – Menachem Kellner On the Ralbag – Gersonides.
    • The Limits of Orthodox Theology – Marc Shapiro
      A controversial book. Shapiro analyses positions in the history of Jewish thought on the 13 Ikarim of the Rambam. The book is designed to show that many authorities disputed the Rambam’s conception of the Ikarim. Given that these Ikarim are central to many people’s definition of Orthodoxy today, the book was bound to raise a storm, and it did! Read with care.
    • Must a Jew Believe Anything? –  Menachem Kellner
      Like Shapiro’s book, Kellner analyses the 13 Ikarim, asking if they are as simply defined as we sometimes think.
    • The Rebbe, The Messiah and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference – R’ David Berger A sharp critique of the post-Rebbe messianism of the Chabad movement.
    • The Messiah Problem – R’ Chaim Rappaport
      An intelligent and spirited response to R’ Berger’s book from a major talmid chacham connected with Chabad.
    • Orthodox Forum Publications
      • The Orthodox Forum produces a book every year or so containing excellent articles on contemporary hashkafic issues, especially those affecting the Modern Orthodox world. 
      • Faith Without Fear – R’ Michael Harris
        An overview of the issues defining and challenging Modern Orthodoxy in the early 21st century. A good synopsis of what MO hashkafa should (but may not always) be.
      • Seeking His Presence – R’ Chaim Sabato
        Some of the thought of R’ Aharon Lichtenstein is now available in book form (see also following). It is important reading for those who value a passionate middle ground.  Much more is available on
      • By His Light – R’ Aharon Lichtenstein
      • Leaves of Faith  – R’ Aharon Lichtenstein (2 volumes)
      • Faith Shattered And Restored – R’ Shagar
        One of the few books in English translation of the works of Rav Shagar.  If you are interested in an excursus into Post-Modernist thought as understood through the prism of Chasidut, this is a great starting point!
      • Reason To Believe – R’ Chaim Jachter
        One of the most important books out on Emunah issues in the modern world.  An important read after Rabbi Keleman’s books,  R’ Jachter updates the arguments, brings a more critical and analytical  perspective and also brings source from the leading thinkers in the non-Charedi world – Rav Lichtenstein, Rav Soloveitchik etc.





    Read his books in this order and look on-line on and also to find guidance in how to learn them.

    13. RAV KOOK

    Far more has been published in English on Rav Kook over the last 3 years.  Look out for translations and commentaries by R. Betzalel Naor and Chanan Morrison.  A vast literature on R. Kook is available in Hebrew, especially by R. Shlomo Aviner.




    This particular topic is a special interest of mine.  I have categorised the books by level.  I am producing a separate detailed reading list dedicated to this topic alone.  Please contact me if you would like a copy.

    15.1 Introductory

    15.2 Advanced

    • The Dynamics of Dispute – R’ Zvi Lampel
      A detailed look at the origins of machloket, with a clear perspective from within the yeshiva world.
    • The Open Canon – Avi Sagi
      Written using a more academic method and style but based on classic sources  – a very comprehensive look at ‘Elu v’elu’.
    • How Do We Know This? – Jay M Harris
      Written as a fully academic study by a Harvard academic – a fascinating insight into the workings of halachic Drash and approaches to Drash throughout history.  Only for the more academically inclined.
    • Meta-Halakhah –  Moshe Kopel
    • Not In Heaven – R’ Eliezer Berkovitz
      A controversial figure in the mid-late 20th Century Orthodox world.  Most of the book is a superb analysis of Oral Law.  The end sections on R’ Berkovitz’s vision of halachic development often strain at (and beyond?) the fringes of Orthodox thought.
    • סיני ללשכת הגזית – שלמה קסירר ושלמה גליקסברג
    • מסורת התורה שבעל-פה – ר’ שלמה זלמן הבלין
    • ההלכה כוחה ותפקידה –ר’  אליעזר ברקוביץ
    • והלכה כבית הלל –  ר’ יובל שרלו
    • נטע בתוכינו –  ר’ שמואל אריאל

    15.3 Classic Sources available in English Translation


    • Kol Dodi Dofek (Eng translation) – R’ Yosef Ber Soloveitchik
    • Israel – A History – Martin Gilbert
    • Like Dreamers – Yossi Klein HaLevi
      A fantastic insight into Israeli history and politics since 1967 through the life stories of the Paratroopers that took Har HaBayit during the 6 Day War.  An important read if you want to understand Left/Right/Religious/Secular issues in Israel today.
    • Rebels in the Holy Land  – Sam Finkel
      A fantastic work, with great maps and photos, charting the First Aliyah, the early creation of the New Yishuv and the Shemitta crises of the late 19C.
    • Messianism, Zionism and Jewish Religious Radicalism – Aviezer Ravitsky
      A clear analysis of the contemporary religious positions on Zionism – pro-, neutral and anti-.
    • God, Guns and Israel – Jill Hamilton
      A fantastic and stimulating account of the lead up and reaction to the Balfour Declaration, focusing on the religious positivity of non-Jewish world leaders which lead to the State of Israel
    • The Balfour Declaration – Elliot Jager
    • The Virtues of Nationalism – Yoram Hazony
      A must-read if you want a new perspective on how to understand world politics in the 21st Century.  Like all Hazony’s books – a life-changing read.



    19. MARRIAGE



    • Endless Light –  R’ David Aaron
      An unconventional thinking with a strong leaning towards the mystical and kabbalistic and new way of integrating these ideas into real life.
    • The Torah as God’s Mind  – R’ Nathan Lopes-Cardozo



    • The Great Partnership – R’ Lord Jonathan Sacks
      Perhaps the most important book on the list!  A MUST read for a thinking Jew in the modern world.
    • In The Beginning – Nathan Aviezer
      Aviezer and Schroeder are religiously observant scientists with interest perspectives and a strong ‘kiruv’ focus.  They often disagree about the science as well as the Jewish conclusions!
    • Fossils and Faith –  Nathan Aviezer
    • The Science of G-d – Gerald Schroeder
    • The Science in Torah – R’ Yehuda Levi
    • Torah and Science –  R’ Yehuda Levi
    • The Science of Torah –  R’ Natan Slifkin
      Rabbi Slifkin stirred up a major controversy around 8 years ago with these sefarim.  Some major Torah leaders sought to put the books in cherem.  Others rallied around R’ Slifkin.  Yet others felt that the controversy made it harder to bring a much needed and reasoned critique against R’ Slifkin’s positions.
    • The Challenge of Creation – R’ Natan Slifkin
    • Torah Chazal Science – R’ Moshe Meiselman[10]
      R’ Meiselman has written a response (although not in name) to R’ Slifkin’s sefarim.  Both approaches should be read and considered.  As in all such works, a good science background (or someone to advise you who knows their science) is always recommended to check that the science data is up-to-date and correctly represented.
    • Challenge – Cyril Domb / R’ Aryeh Carmell
      This, and its sequel, Encounter, are old classics.  The science discussed has often been superseded BUT read them for the methodology as to how a thinking modern observant Jews tackles apparent and real conflicts between science and religion.
    • Encounter – H. Schimmel / Aryeh Carmell



    This topic has had something of a revival recently.  Clearly it is not new and there are classic responses to the 19C schools of Wissenschaft Des Judentums.  There is some good online discussion of this (and some very bad!!).  Look for the material coming from Har Etzion, in particular R’ Menachem Leibtag and R’ Amnon Bazak.

    • The Documentary Hypothesis –  R’ Umberto Cassuto A classic (1930s) refutation of the Documentary Hypothesis.
    • A Journey Through Torah  – Ben Zion Katz
      A modern analysis of flaws and circular argumentation in the recent incarnations of the Documentary Hypothesis.
    • BeEinei Elohim VeAdam (Heb) – ed. Yehudah Brandes
    • Ad HaYom HaZeh (Heb) –  R’ Amnon Bazak
    • Inconsistency in the Torah – R’ Joshua Berman
      R’ Josh Berman is one of the main authors on the rare (but important) meeting of orthodox thought and academic biblical studies.  Definitely not for everyone, but people who are already interested in/bothered by this area will gain from his writings.

    25. CALENDAR


    • Judaism and Homosexuality –  R’ Chaim Rappaport
      By far the best book out there on Jewish perspectives on these issues.  R’ Rappaport is a major talmid chacham and the book is fantastically sourced and researched.  It is also written with a quest for authenticity at the same time as sensitivity.
    • Talking about Intimacy and Sexuality –  Dr. Yocheved Debow
      A very good book, aimed at adolescents and those counselling them.  There is very little written on these issues from an authentic Jewish perspective.



    • Defending the Human Spirit –  R’ Warren Goldstein
      Very impressive book by the Chief Rabbi of South Africa. This is his PhD thesis.  Hear and read his other material where you can.