
Rabbi Anthony Manning

Rabbi Anthony Manning is known for engaging his students with a refreshingly nuanced approach to Jewish Halachic and Hashkafic issues that are too often presented as ‘black and white’.


Rabbi Manning lectures widely in Jewish Law (Halacha) and Jewish Thought (Hashkafa) to schools and communities around Israel, the U.S. and UK. His lectures are carefully structured and based on a broad range of traditional texts that he presents in detailed source sheets for each class. Most of the 500+ audio recordings of shiurim on this website are accompanied by PDF files of the relevant source sheets.

Rabbi Manning is Director / Rosh Midrasha of Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya, and also gives a regular weekly shiur at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem (watch the videos here).

If you use Facebook and would like to receive updates when new shiurim are posted on this website, please ‘Like’ Rabbi Manning’s Facebook page.

Audio Shiurim

Rabbi Anthony Manning’s individual shiurim on contemporary topics are available on this website for you to download and listen to as audio files, together with PDF source sheets. 

Contemporary Jewish Issues

Examining halachic, hashkafic and ethical issues that Jews face in the modern world.

Women in Halacha

Exploring different aspects of Jewish law as they relate to women.

Israel in Halacha

Halachic issues concerning the existence and government of the State of Israel.

Shiurim on the Chagim

Topical shiurim on the Jewish festivals and fast days.

Other Halachic Topics

Investigating fascinating Halachic and Hashkafic issues that have arisen over the centuries.

Online Courses

Over the years, Rabbi Anthony Manning has taught many courses in Jewish Law (Halacha) and Jewish Thought (Hashkafa) in different educational settings. He is happy for people to listen to these classes online and to download his source sheets.

The Development of Halacha

Courses on Jewish Philosophy

Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Chavero

Reclaiming Dignity cover

Reclaiming Dignity –

”A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women”
by Rabbi Anthony Manning
with Bracha Poliakoff
(Mosaica Press, Spring 2023)

Rabbi Anthony Manning takes an entirely fresh approach which moves away from the way that tzniut has been taught and discussed in the past, engaging men in a deeper discussion about their own connection to tzniut.

Rabbi Manning has written this book “Reclaiming Dignity” to bring to a wider audience the approach that he has been teaching for many years in different seminaries.

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