Audio Shiurim on Israel & Halacha

Click on the box to access the audio recording(s) and source sheet(s) for each of these shiurim.

Halachot of Shmitta

Foundations Historical Background Heter Mechira Otzer Beit Din Shemita in the Kitchen Zman Bi'ur

Israel, Zionism and Redemption

Israel, Zionism and Redemption Kibbutz Galuyot - The Ingathering of the Exiles Teshuva and Geula   Zionism Without Geula in the thought of Rav Soloveitchik

Yerushalayim – A Tale of Two Cities

Yerushalayim - A Tale of Two Cities The longer version of this shiur was given at the OU Center in May 2017, in anticipation of the 50th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem. This shorter shiur was given to the Emunah Women of Jerusalem in anticipation of Yom...